Tuesday, May 03, 2005



this is my first blogg and to be perfectly honest I don't really understand the concept yet and am extremely new to the idea. I am also partially dyslexic so you'll have to excuse any inaccuracies.

I was searching the net a little while ago and came across a blogg by another blogger call Andi I think. Anyway she has just recently left to go to korea and become a buddhist nun. I read one of her last entries first but ended up spending hours going through the rest of them. I found it very inspiring and I could totally empathize with her and also she said a lot of things that touched me and pointed directly at things I'd been having trouble with also.

Anyway so I thought that seeing as how her blogg had been so helpful I might try and start my own as well. I think at first I don't really know what to do but as time goes on hopefully I should become a bit more entertaining.

I'm not sure if I should put a bit of info about my self or what so i think I'll just put this out there and look around at others and then come back with a better idea of the whole thing!

So any obviously no one will add a post but I promise I will be a bit more interesting soon!

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